What Participants Say About CR

What Participants Say About CR

Mary- Even though I was full of anxiety walking into Celebrate Recovery that very first time, I was even more anxious that the rest of my life would be the continuing cycle of disappointments, failures, and pain I had experienced so far. Celebrate Recovery has changed my life into one full of joy, hope, peace, and just sheer happiness. To get something I never had, I had to do something I never did- go to Celebrate Recovery.

Teresa- I had been a Christian for over thirty years, even in positions of leadership but never really experienced true freedom in Christ. After attending Celebrate Recovery and a step study, I was finally able to gain accountability, confess my sins to other godly women, and begin to see healing from codependency, divorce, abuse, and so much more, as things that had been hidden for so many years were finally brought into the light! It's more than a program; it's a way of life, and it works.

Marvin- Through Celebrate Recovery, God took a messed-up pastor and gave him a second chance.

Julie- My life has turned around because of Celebrate Recovery. I have made so many true friends who have encouraged me to do the hard things I had to do, with love and acceptance all the way.

James- Celebrate Recovery helps you learn to apply God's Word to the struggles in your life, just as Jesus did in His temptation. There is power in the Word and CR teaches you how to apply it.

Loretta- I came from secular recovery looking for a Christ-centered program that could help me grow in my relationship with Christ, find support in maintaining my sobriety, and work on my very present issues of codependency.

Lynne- The hardest part about coming to Celebrate Recovery the first time was getting across the parking lot from my car to the door. But I was welcomed with genuine smiles and love, not pity.

Jeff- I found sobriety in secular recovery, but I kept my sobriety by starting a Celebrate Recovery at my church. Celebrate Recovery showed me what the Bible had to say about recovery and allowed my church to see the healing benefits of CR as a ministry.

Janet- I came to Celebrate Recovery wearing a mask that said, "I'm fine; how can I help you?" Now, four and a half years later, the mask is gone, and I've been healed from past events I thought I'd gotten over.

Michael- Five years ago I walked into a Celebrate Recovery program hating myself, hating others, and hating God. Today through the healing and restoring grace of Jesus who I met at CR, I love God, love the person He has made me to be, and I'm the ministry leader of a beautiful Forever Family at the very same CR program I walked into five years ago.

All quotations above taken from John Baker's book, Your First Step to Celebrate Recovery, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2012

Comments by participants of First Free’s CR group:

These are responses to the question "what has CR meant to you"?

I share and am not alone but encouraged.

I am grateful for Celebrate Recovery because after 40 years as a Christian I found a safe place to be honest with what I have done to others and what has been done to me. Speaking the truth to another human being and still loved and accepted. I have learned how to be healthy emotionally and am modeling it to my family. Healing is possible in the direst hurtful situation. No more mask wearing or putting on a good church face.

I can say now that I am grateful for the pain that brought me to CR. Without it, I would still be living a codependent, hard, wasteful life. I know God loves me the way I am, and that He will do the work in me, to perfect me. Recovery is for everyone. We all have hurts, hang-ups, and habits that stop us from having an intimate relationship with God.

“I thank God that CR is always here!”

CR has given me the strength and encouragement to accept Jesus as my Savior and knowing that God has forgiven me for my defects of character. I opened my heart to Christ and admitted having an uncontrollable and unmanageable life without giving my life to Christ and working on those issues.

I am thankful for God’s gift of CR teaching me how to trust Him and continually improving relationships with my husband and children. God is singing over me.

This is only my second meeting, but I am grateful for the joyful and hopeful music with which this meeting begins. Singing is worship.

2 months sober. Hope that there is a better tomorrow.

“This isn’t self-help- It’s God’s help. When I came to CR my life had fallen apart. I discovered my husband of 25 years was not who he pretended to be. He was deeply addicted to porn, affairs, lying, stealing. He had been a leader in church and the community. I cried continually. I didn’t trust anyone or anything. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or function. My children were crushed. At CR I found that I was not alone. Others had walked this journey. They came along beside me, walked, carried me, and encouraged me. That was 5 years ago. CR is deep real and healing”

I am thankful for the love and encouragement from my new family at CR.

“I am grateful for CR because of the people who have reached out to support me in the things I have needed to do to further my recovery”.

“In CR, I received honest, compassionate, patient, kind, generous friends”.

I’m thankful for CR. It keeps me connected with people and God uses it to bless me in many ways.

I am grateful for the fellowship at CR.

For a place to go on Friday night

I am thankful for my CR family who struggled along with me as we fall forward and get back up.
